Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gmail Security through Mobile SMS

HI all we are Using Gmail for mails,chat and connect with friends.....
But is ur account is secured?

So here the tricks to secure Your Gmail Account from Hackers........
Its just through a link with Your mobile and Account.If u want to access your account you need to be Enter the code sending to your mobile from Google.........
so if Somebody know your password too u will be aware through that,
while the hacker want to access your account............
For this..
Click This link 

1.Click on the Start setup Button

2.Select the verification method as  Text message (SMS) or voice call  
3.Enter the Appropriate Details like mobile number and country name etc..

4.After Clicking the send code button you will receive the verification code on you phone either as text message or as a call. 

5.Enter the code in Code box and then Click Verify
6.Click Next ..If your mobile is lost or unavailable for this there is also a solution..
For this there are ten backup verification codes displaying and save them in txt file for future reference 

7.And here one more option for giving the alternate number also...but first one is the primary.....

8.Then Click Turn on 2-Step Verification Button

Through this you  login to your account only through the code sending to your mobile......
Hope U Enjoy...........

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