Sunday, October 2, 2011

(Facebook,twitter and Linkedin) Through Google+

                      hi,you impressed about Google+ and  you want to continue your links with Google+ ....
Don't worry even you are using Google+ you  no need to touch away from Facebook and can integrate these both with Google chrome new addon Gooce+....

Follow these Stpes

1.Open  Google Chrome browser and Gooce+ Extension

2.Click on Add to chrome button.
3.Click on Continue button (at the left bottom of your screen) and then click on install button.
Now login to your Google+ Account. 
Shows Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin icons in your Google+ homepage.

on any of the icon that you want to access at that time in Google+. E.g If you want to Log in into Facebook from Google+.
Click on the Facebook Icon and then click on Sign with Facebook button.
Enter your Facebook login details in new popup window.

After login it will Request For Permissions . Click on the Allow button.
That’s it. Now you can update you Facebook status, likes and can do comments .

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